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and the people and extend the influence of art as a force of enlightenment.
3. To advocate and uphold permanent governmental support for the advancement of American art.
4. To support other organized groups on issues of mutual interest in an effort to develop and maintain conditions favorable to art and human existence.
5. To oppose all reactionary attempts to curtail democratic rights and freedom of expression, and all tendencies that lead to Fascism.
6. To oppose War and prevent the establishment of conditions that are conducive to the destruction of culture and are detrimental to the progress of mankind.


Section 1. ELIGIBILITY OF MEMBERS. Any painter, sculptor or graphic artist of recognized standing, residing in the United States, and such other persons in allied fields who are of exceptional value to the American Artists' Congress, shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2. ELECTION OF HONORARY MEMBERS. The Central Executive Board may elect any painter, sculptor or graphic artist of recognized standing, residing outside of the United States. Such honorary members shall be entitled to all privileges of regular members, except the right to vote or hold office.
Section 3. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. A persons may apply for membership by submitting his name and address to the National Membership Committee. The National Membership Committee thereafter will render a report thereon to the Central Executive Board which, by a majority vote, may elect any applicant a member.
Section 4. RESIGNATION. Any member may withdraw at any time upon giving written notice of such intention to the National Executive Secretary; this notice shall be presented to the Central executive Board at the first meeting after its receipt.
Section 5. EXPULSION AND SUSPENSION. (a) A member may be suspended for cause, such as a violation of the Constitution and By-Laws, or for conduct prejudice to the best interest of the American Artists' Congress. Such suspension shall become effective immediately upon a majority vote of the Central Executive Board. Thereafter, a statement of the charges shall be mailed by a registered post to the member under charges, at his last known address, within ten days after action is taken thereon; that statement shall be accompanied by a notice of the time when and the place where the Central Executive Board is to take action for expulsion in the premises and an opportunity shall be given to the said member to be heard. At such hearing, the suspended member may be expelled upon a majority vote of the Central Executive Board. In the event such suspended member is not expelled, he shall be deemed re-instated. (b) A member so expelled may appeal to the National Executive Committee at a meeting or by petition, and a majority of the National Executive Committee may overrule the Central Executive Board. (c) A member may be expelled by a vote of a majority of the entire membership of the American Artists' Congress or a majority vote of the National Executive Committee at a duly authorized meeting or by petition or referendum. A member so expelled has no right of appeal.

Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING. There shall be an annual meeting, to be known as the "Congress," in each year at a time and place to be determined by the National Executive Committee, for the purpose of electing members of the National Executive Committee, receiving the reports of officers and committees, for the discussion of general problems of interest and for the transaction of other business of the American Artists' Congress.
Notice of such meeting shall be mailed by the National Executive Secretary, except as herein or by statute otherwise provided, to the last recorded address of each member, at least 90 days and not more than 120 days before the date appointed for the meeting.
Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may be called by a vast majority vote of the National Executive Committee or upon written petition of at least 100 members.