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Constitution of the American Artists Congress

Its purpose shall be to unite the artists in a national organization, which would adequately meet their cultural problems in their social, economic and aesthetic aspects.
It shall endeavor
1 to promote cooperation among artists of all aesthetic tendencies and provide the means (through [[?]]) to arrive at a mutual understanding.
It shall be an independent, unaffiliated organization-
2 to gain the continuation and extention of the Government Art Projects sufficient in scope to provide [[strikethrough]] a permanent base [[/strikethrough]] for the development of American Art.
3 to support the rental policy as initiated by the American Society of Painters sculptors and gravers, as a code governing the relationship between the artists and museums.
4 to oppose Fascist tendencies in the U.S.A. and all reactionary attempts to encroach on democracy or to curtail freedom of expressions (as guarranteed [[strikethrough]] [[??]] by the Constitution of the U.S.A. [[/strikethrough]].)
5 to oppose the war makers and prevent their establishing a condition which would mean the destruction of cultures and all human values.
6 to support other organized groups on issues of mutual interest in an effort to maintain and develop a condition [[strikethrough]] (compatible with) [[/strikethrough]] favorable to art and human proggress.
[[margin]] [[??]]

This organization shall be known as the American Artists Congress.

3 membership [[strikethrough]] is open to [[/strikethrough]]
Any Painters, sculptors and graphic artists of recognized standing who reside [[strikethrough]] living [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] in the United States, [[strikethrough]] are eligible for membership [[/strikethrough]] Individuals acting in allied fields [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] and of distinct value to artists may also be elligible for membership. [[??]] regard race creed color or sex

[[strikethrough]] the Govt. shall be vested in its members. [[/strikethrough]] officers Secretar[[??]]
[[strikethrough]] The executive. [[/strikethrough]]
A majority vote will establish the policies of the [[??]] [[strikethrough]] Congress [[/strikethrough]]
a two-thirds majority shall bind the members individually.
The executive committee is elected [[strikethrough]] for a yearly [[/strikethrough]] at the full Congress to be held yearly.
The executive committee is to carry on the activities of the organization between meetings [[??]] and report its actions to the membership [[strikethrough]] at [[??]] [[/strikethrough]]
The executive committee [[strikethrough]] is [[??]] of [[/strikethrough]] elects the full executive board [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] from the membership of the full committee.
5 The National Executive Committee (Board)
It shall consist of the chairman (All) the vice chairmen, the secretary and the treasurer and the chairmen of the Standing Committees -

Transcription Notes:
Some of the arrows denoting movement of text are difficult to decipher.