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their own government of workers and farmers , becoming masters of their own destinies, building a new abundant and beautiful life, the way it was done by the workers and peasants of Russia now enjoying the real freedom in the Soviet Union.
To forestall the growth of the revolutionary movement , says Dimitroff, and to deal a mortal blow to the Soviet Union which is the great bulwark of the workers of the world, the bosses need fascism.
It is thus obvious that fascism is against the interests of all the people. Whether worker or farmer or small businnesman or intellectual. Fascism, says Dimitroff, does not stand "above classes". Fascism acts in behalf of a class, the ruling class. Neither does fascism represent the lower middle classes. The latter are also crushed under the iron heel of fascist rule. Fascism, says Dimitroff, "is the power of finance capital itself". If we were to have fascism in the United States, some workers and farmers might be deluded by it, but in reality it would be of service to Wall Street.
What then is fascism? Dimitroff proceeds to explain this.
"Fascism in power is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance capital.
"Fascism is the most vicious enemy of the working class end of all the toilers:
" Fascism promised the workers 'a fair wage'. Actually it has brought them an even lower, a pauper, standard of living. It promised work for the unemployed, but actually has brought them even more painful torments of starvation, and compulsory, servile labor. It destroys their trade unions ; deprives them of the right to strike and to have their working class press; it forces them into fascist organizations, plunders their social insurance funds and transforms the mills and factories into barracks.
"Fascism promised the toiling youth a broad highway to a brilliant future. Ac-