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real social insurance. Fight for adequate relief. ]

When the workers are thus drawn more and more into mass organizations the front of labor is solidly built. You have a foundation which no enemy can destroy.

Unite the Communist Party with the Socialist Party for common struggles. Agree on a definite program of action. which, while leaving each organization independent, will combine their forces in the fight against capitalist offensive, against war and fascism.

Broaden the United Front to become a People's Front. Fight the Nazi terror of Germany. Fight the Nazi agencies in the United States. Fight the fascist bands in the United States. Combine for this purpose and for similar purposes not only the workers, but also the middle classes of the city, the farmers, the white-collar workers and all those who are willing to defend the civil liberties that still remain in this country.

The greatest weapon of the People's Front must be the Farmer-Labor Party which being built on the trade unions, combine all the anti-Wall Street elements of the Country, workers and farmers, smalls businessmen and intellectuals, Negro and white.

Defend the rights of the Negro people. Build the Congress of the Negro people.

Start now. Do not delay. Fascism can be prevented. The war danger can be removed. We can do it. Once the workers are united there can be no power in the world to block their path.

We can only quote in conclusion the words of the great labor ham. Dimitroff. 
"Workers of the world, unite!"
"To us the workers and not to the social parasites and idlers belongs the world -- a world built by the hands of the workers. The present rulers of the capitalist world are but temporary rulers.
"The working class is the real monster, tomorrow's matter of the world. and it must enter upon its historical rights. take into its hands the reins of government