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THIS IS A CALL to all artists, of recognized standing in their profession, who are aware of the critical condition existing in the world culture in general, and in the field of the Arts in particular. This Call is to those artists, who, conscious of the need of action, realize the necessity of collective discussion and planning, with the objective of the preservation and development of our cultural heritage. It is for those artists who realize that the cultural crisis is but a reflection of a world economic crisis and not an isolated phenomenon.  

   The artists are among those most affected by the world economic crisis. Their income has dwindled dangerously close to zero. 

   Dealers, museums, and private patrons have long ceased to supply the meager support they once gave. 

   Government, State and Municipally sponsored Art Projects are giving only temporary employment-to a small fraction of artists. 

   In addition to his economic plight, the artist must face a constant attack against his freedom of expression. 

   Rockefeller Canter, the Museum of Modern Art, the Old Court House in St. Louis, the Coit Memorial Tour in San Francisco, the Abraham Lincoln High School, Rikers Island Penitentiary-in these and other important public and semi-public institutions, suppression, censorship or actual destruction of art works has occurred. 

   Oaths of allegiance of teachers, investigations of colleges for radicalism, sedition bills aimed at the suppression of civil liberties, discrimination against the foreign-born, against Negroes, the reactionary Liberty League and similar organizations, Hearst journalism, ect., are daily reminders of fascist growth in the United States. 

   A picture of what fascism has done to living standards, to civil liberties, to workers' organizations, to science and art, the threat against the peace and security of the world, as shown in Italy and Germany, should arouse every sincere artist to action. 

   We artists must act. Individually we are powerless. Through collective action we can defend our interests. We must ally ourselves with all groups engaged in in the common stugglle against war and fascism. There is need for an artists' organization on a nation-wide scale, which will deal with our cultural problems. The creation of such a permanent organization, which will cooperate with kindred organizations throughout the world, is our task. 


[column 1]
Berenice Abbott
Yarnall Abbott 
Albert Abramovitz 
Harry Ackerman 
Bertrand Ruben Adams 
Kenneth M. Adams 
Lawrence Adams 
Ivan le Loraine Albright 
Rifka Angel 
George Ault 
Milton Avery

Peggy Bacon 
Phil Bard 

[column 2]
Will Barnet 
Herman Baron 
Thomas W. Barrett, Jr. 
Wictor Basinet 
A. S. Baylinson 
Maurice Becker 
Norman Bel Geddes 
Ben Benn 
Ahron Ben-Shmuel 
E. M. Benson 
Bernece Berkman 
Saul Bernhard 
Henry Bernstein 

[column 3] 
Theresa Bernstein 
Jolan Gross Bettelheim 
Edward Biberman 
George Biddle 
Joseph Biel 
Herny Billings 
Emil Bisttram 
Arnold Blanch 
Lucile Blanch 
Lou Block 
Peter Blume 
Walter Bohanan 
Aarom Bohrod 
Ilya Bolotowsky 

[column 4]
Cameron Booth 
Henry Albert Botkin 
Louis Bouché
Margaret Bourke-White
Julian Bowes 
Ernest Brace 
Edith Brokson 
Alexander Brook 
Sonia Gordon Brown 
George Byron Browne 
Beniamino Bunfano 
Jacob Burck 
Paul Burlin 
Dorothy Randolph Byard 

[page 2] 

[column 5]
Dean Cornwell 
Paul Cadmus 
Alexander Calder 
Kenneth Callahan 
Florence Cane 
Frank Carson 
Dane Chanase 
Warran Cheney 
Nicolai Cikovsky 
Minna Citron 
Grace Clements 
Hy Cohen 
Sonya Cohen 
Howard Cook 
Ralston Crawfard 
Francis Criss 
Robert M. Cronbach
Adelyne Schaefer Cross
Beatrice Cuming
John Cunningham 

Leon Dabo
Vincent D'Agostino
Gustaf Dalstrom
Morris Davidson
Helen S. Davis
Lew E. Davis
Stuart Davis
Horace Talmadge Day
Alice Decker
Jose De Creeft
Julio De Diego
Adolf Dehn
Phyllis De Lappe
Joseph De Martini
Nathaniel Dirk
Isami Doi
Thomas Donnelly
Aaron Douglass
Milton Douthat
Ed Dreis
Werner Drewes 
Margaret Duroc
Madel Dwight

Stuart Edie
Camilo Egas
Dorothy Eisner
Paula Eliasoph
Charles Ellis
Arthur Emptage
Phillip Evergood

Willian Sanders Fanning
Lorser Feitelson
Duncan Ferguson
Louis Ferstadt
Earl T. Fields
Ernest Fiene
Furman J. Finck
Peter Fiordalisi
Ed Fisk
Eugene C. Fitsch
Frank Fleming
Angel Flores
Hans Foy
Karl Free
Maurice Freedman
Arnold Friedman

Wanda Gag
Todros Geller
Hugo Gellert
Eugenie Gershoy
Lydia Gibson
C. Adolph Glassgold
Enrico Glicenstein
Maurice Glickman
H. Glientenkamp
Aaron Goodelman
Boris Gorelick
Mordecai Gorelick
Adolph Gottlieb
Harry Gottlieb 
John D. Graham

[column 6]
Blanche Mary Grambs
D. S. Greenbaum
Grace Greenwood
Marion Greenwood
Waylande Gregory
William Gropper
Chaim Gross
John Groth
Bernar Gussow
James Guy

Alex Haberstroh 
Thomas Handforth
Murray Hantman
Minna Harkavy
Louis Harris
Abraham Harriton
Bertram Hartman
Theodore G. Haupt
Alonzo Hauser
Zoltan Hecht
Albert Heckman
Harry Hering
Eugene Higgins
Hilaire Hiler
Stefan Hirsch
Albert Hirschfeld
Carl Hoeckner
Carl R. Holty
Emil Holzauer
John Langley Howard
Loretta Howard
Leo. T. Hurwitz

Eitaro Ishigaki

Rudolf Jacobi
Herbert Kent Jennings
Grace Mott Johnson
Mary O. Johnson
Sargent Claude Johnson
Harry Donald Jones
Joe Jones
Mervin Jules

Jacob Kainen
Louis Kamm
Martha Ryther Kantor
Morris Kantor
Philip Kaplan
Sam Karp
Leo Katz
Irving Katzenstein
Valeria Kaun
Rockwell Kent
Frank C. Kirk
Jerome Klein
Karl Knaths
Frederic Knight
Benjamin Kopman
Eve Kottgen
Yankel Kufeld
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Chet Harmon La More
Edward A. Landon
Edward Laning
Sidney Laufamm
Adelaide J. Lawson
Myron Lechay
Doris Lee
Margaret LeFranc
Julien E. Levi
A. F. Levinson
Lewis Jean Liberte
Russell Limback
Sidney Loeb
John Lonergan
Erle Loran
Barbara Lotham
Margaret Lowengrund
Louis Lozowick
Euqene Ludins
Ryah Ludins
Helen Lundenberg
Gwen Lux

[column 7]
Peppino Mangravite
Abraham Manievich 
Helen Mann
Paul Manship
Berta Margoulies
Herman Maril
Jack Markow
Jan Matulka
Austin Mecklem
Joseph Meert
Paul R. Meltsner
Maurice Merlin
Knud Merrild
William Meyeroitz
Edward Millman
Winifred Milius
Florence Minard
David Mintz
Bruce Mitchell
Ross Moffett
Peter Paul Mommer
Barbara Brooks Morgan
Euqene Morlet
Peter Muller-Munk
Lewis Mumford
Helen McAuslin
Miriam McKinnie

Thomas Nagai
Reuben Nakian
Williard A. Nash
Barney Nestor
J. B. Neumann
Isamu Noguchi

Paul O'Higgins
Elizabeth Olds
Moses Oley
John Opper
Sam Ostrowsky
Peter Paul Ott
William Owen 

Jose M. Pavon
Ralph M. Pearson
Anne Merriman Peck
Augustus Hamilton Peck
Fritz Pfeiffer
Esther Phillips
Girolamo Piccolli
George Picken
Hobson Pittman
Joseph Pollet
Fairfield Porter
Austin Purves, Jr. 

Walter Quirt

Saul Raskin
A. Redfield
Anton Refreiger
Bertan Reibel
Philip Reisman
Louis Ribak
Maurice Ritman
Boardman Robinson
Gilbert Rocke
Kurt Roesch
Robert Bruce Rogers
Elsa Rogo
Emanuele Romano
Arnold Ronnebeck
Doria Rosenthal
Theodore Jay Roszak
Lincoln Rothschild
Andree Ruellan

William Sanger
Leo Sarkadi
Concetta Scaravaglione
Meyer Schapiro
Saul Schary
Katherine Schmidt
Arthur Julian Schneider
Georges Schreiber
Alfred A. Sessler
Ben Shahn

[Column 8]
Frederick E. Shane
Louis Shanker
Joseph M. Sheridan
William Siegel
Bernice Singer
William Earl Singer
Mitchell Siporin
Clara Skinner
Jean Paul Slusser
David Smith
Jacob Getlar Smith
Miron Sokole
Serge Soudeikine
Moses Soyer
Raphael Soyer
Walt Speck
Niles Spencer
Max Spivak
Benton Spruance
Maxwell B. Starr
Alexander Stavenitz
William Steig
Ralph Steiner
Joseph Stella
Algot Stenbery
Harry Sternberg
Louis King Stone
Paul Strand
Jay Sutton
Sakari Sukuzi 
James Johnson Sweeney
Sam Swerdloff 

Chuzo Tamotzu
Rudolph F. Tandler
Jack W. Taylor
Prentiss Taylor
Eve D. Teitel
E. Oscar Thalinger
Cleon Throckmorton
Jennings Tofel
Morris Topchevsky
Abram Tromka
Ernest Sergei Trubach
LeRoy Turner

Walter Ufer

Jara Henry Valenta
Stuyvesant Van Veen
John Vassos
Charmion von Wiegand
Joseph P. Vorst
Vaclav Vytlacil

Anna Walinska
Abraham Walkowitz
Lynd Ward
Max Weber
Louis Weiner
Charles S. Wells
Nat Werner 
Harold Weston
Warren Wheelock
Francis Robert White
Donald Williams
Barbara Willson
Gilbert Wilson
Arnold Wiltz
Caleb Winholtz
Jan Wittenber
Ann Wolfe
Hamilton Achille Wolf
Adolp Wolff

Chikamichi Yamasaki
Art Young

Bernard B. Zakheim
Carl Zigrosser 
Gyula Zilzer
Santon Zingale
Nicola Ziroli
Marguerite Zorach
William Zorach