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must create The condition [[strikethrough]] future[[/strikethrough]] for a more closely integrated social relationship [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]], and the problems of the Peace have

The War has made it clear that the world, and this our country, [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] must move [[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]] toward a more closely integrated relationship Bondthast relationship [[strikethrough]] social structure [[/strikethrough]]relationship. We have no agency in our Government to represent and promote the interests of artists. We [[Circled, arrow pointing down to word "leary"]] do not want artists on relief again. We, the Artists of America, feel that if we do not set up an efficient [[strikethrough]] inclusive [[/strikethrough]] professional organization of our own at this time, we are [[strikethrough]] accepting an [[/strikethrough]]accepting an unnecessary handicap and are inviting disaster in the future.
[[strikethrough]] The war has made us feel [[/strikethrough]] We artists have learned that we must take [[strikethrough]] accept [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] and manage [[/strikethrough]] for ourselves, a more active and responsible role part in our social [[strikethrough]] structure [[/strikethrough]][[strikethrough]] To that end [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] For that reason [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Therefore [[/strikethrough]] Therefore we are organizing this Society or Council of Artists. USA.
Our main and inclusive objectives are:--
To represent and work for the interests of Art and the Artists of America; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]
To promote understanding and friendly relations with the artists of all countries;
To establish the fairest and most democratic procedure in relation to exhibitions, competitions and all matters of vital concern to [[circle]] us [[/circle]] Art and affecting the culture of our country.
[[left margin]] The management [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is [[strikethrough]] relation to [[/strikethrough]] our Am offerings
This involves improvement of relations with museums, with communities, state and with Federal agencies.
Some immediate problems we see facing us are:--
1. The Co establishing of Federal and State and Municipal and Communal competitions to secure the finest war memorials with the creative cooperation of Painters, Sculptors and Architects.
2. To secure a minimum of "1%" remain for art works from all Federal, State and and municipal funds allocated for public buildings and [[??]]
3. The establishing of adequate, fair and democratic exhibitions, both national and communal local.
4. To see that the Art of the United States is adequately represented in all International exhibitions. This has in t

Transcription Notes:
Bottom of page is cut off.