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Table 28.: Extraction of coal at home, in Germany, Great Britain, and France, in millions of tons:

                 1931     1932 (plan)    1937 (plan)
                ------    -----------    -----------
U.S.A.           397           -              - 
Great Britain    222.2         -              -
Germany          122.2         -              -
France           50.9          -              -
U.S.S.R          56            90            250

Table 29.: Electrical energy at home and in the USA in milliards of kilowat hours:

          1929/30   1931    1932(plan)   1937 (plan)
          -------   -----   ---------    -----------
U.S.A.     97-117     -        -              - 
U.S.S.R      8       10.6      17            100

Table 30.: Electric power at home, in Germany, Great Britain and France in millions of kilowats:

                 1930     1932 (plan)    1937 (plan)
                ------    -----------    -----------
Germany          13.5          -              - 
GT. Britain       10           -              -
France            7.9          -              -
U.S.S.R           2.8         5.6             22

Table 31.: Locomotive construction at home and in the USA:

                 1929        1931    
                ------      ------   
U.S.S.R          550         800             
U.S.A            850         150 

Table 32.: Coke production at home and in Great Britain in millions of tons:

                 1929        1931     1932 (plan)
                ------      ------    -----------
U.S.S.R           5            7          13.5 
GT. Britain       13           8            -


Table 33.: Growth of the military budgets in five of the big powers in millions of dollars:

            1914        1923        1930
           ------      ------      ------
           1182.4      1828.8      2324.4

Table 34.: Growth of the military expenditure of our Western neighbours in millions of dollars:

        1923        1929        1930       1931
       ------      ------      ------     ------
       128.2        154.2      174.8      205.7

Table 35.: Growth of the number of aeroplanes of the five big Powers and the average weight of the aviation bombs on one plane:

         1923        1931
         ----        ----
         2280        3838
          565         900

Table 36.: Growth in number and average tonnage of submarines of the Five big Powers:

                                1914        1931
                               ------      ------
 Number of submarines           204          437
 Average tonnage per submarine  416          828