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It calls for a genuinely effective policy to end race discrimination, for the restoration of education, to guarantee trade union rights and to reorganize the trade union movement on democratic lines.

It proposes measures to achieve the full sovereignty of the nation, eliminating all foreign interventionist agencies -- and to end the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo. Also to make progress towrad rationalizing public services that are owned by foreign interests and to annul colonial concessions which Batista gave the imperialist monopolies "and undertake the exploitation of oil to improve the development of a national industry."

Further it calls for measures for the reconstruction of destroyed areas and for achieving a maximum sugar crop. It also proposes the strengthening of relations with the peoples of Latin American to defend their common interests and to maintain peace. Towards the same end to establish diplomatic, cultural, scientific and economic relations with Asian and African countries recently freed from colonialism and to develop trade with the socialist countries.

To achieve this program, the thesis urges the upbuilding of the Popular Socialist Party and its press the Young Socialist organization.


After the victory of the Castro forces, U. S. imperialism through its press began a campaign to discredit the revolutionary forces by charging the government with callous murder in its treatment of the Batista agents. By its campaign it sought to retain intact the reactionary forces in the government and also to lay the ground for possible armed intervention. At the same time it exercised pressure on rightward-leaning elements in the government, seeking to divide the ranks of the government and revolutionary forces.

This failed. The government continued to mete out revolutionary justice to the assassins of the people. It would be a mistake, however, to underestimate the power of reaction and of U. S. imperialism by economic, political, and possily military pressure will seek to regain its special privileges and control of the country. It seeks to boycott Cuban industry and bring the revolutionary forces to capitulate or disastrously compromise themselves. It is also carrying on an anti-Communist campaign.

The struggle of the Cuban people to consolidate and advance the revolution will go on for some period of time, at all stages of which it will encounter the resistance of U. S. imperialism.


Under these conditions great responsibility falls on the Communist Party, and all democratic forces of the U. S., in the first place labor, to aid the Cuban people and to block and nullify the efforts of the U. S. imperialism to reestablish its domination of the country.

In the past our party gave substantial aid to the struggles of the Latin-American people. As William Z. Foster wrote in History of the CPUSA, our party was active in "organizing the All-American Anti-imperialist League in 1925... gave vigorous support to August Cesar Sandino... and constantly kept the Latin American question before the American working class."

In recent years, however, there has been a severe decline in attention and aid to the struggles of the Latin American people.  This is a great weakness in internationalism which harms the struggle of the American people.

The American labor movement and the people cannot make continuing advance if they do not fight against the oppression of the Latin American people by U.S. imperialism.   On the contrary, failure to take up this struggle can only result in setbacks and defeat for labor and democracy.

The victory of the Cuban revolution, which follows on the heels of the series of revolutions in other Latin American countries, emphasizes the extreme importance of these great events for our country and for our [[illegible]].  Major attention must be given to rally the support of the American people and the [[illegible]] people. 

1) It is essential to call for resolutions, letters and other expressions of solidarity and support to the Cuban revolution.  Delegations from trade unions and people's organization to Cuba should be encouraged.