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slight degree in which your mind seems to take account of my chological subtilties sometimes, was what led me to call you "kid" I think, and reminded me of Emersions fine description of a boy. When you spoke of Miss Miller's having played a part, so to speak with you , it made me trembled lest I had done the same thing for I know how much it is in my nature to do so more or less unconciously with any one I want to please.  But I am sure I have been more ingenuous with you than with anybody, and had not the temptation of wanting to please. 
  I will not try to write you any autobiography I hope you will help me break the habit of giving chapters of my child-hood as much as I am inclined but I should like to speak of somethings which I never confessed to any one but Alfred, and to him only for a general way. I have mentioned how my imagination was always