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When I consider it, one of the happy homes of the lands, with a fine family spirit, good manners, controll of temper, order, industry and cleanliness, I sometimes wonder whether ours would be in any way its equal. 
And when I think how it is maintained by the labor of the father in his poultry houses from 4 A.M. to 8 P.M. (when we all go to bed) and the labor of the mother nearly all that time in the house, there being only two children and everything done in the most laborsaving and simplest way, I wonder how that home which you said in the plasteline restaraunt you would demand, is to be realized. For house work does not do itself. 
Even if there is means to hire servants the cry that they are very hard to get and most inferior and unreliable then, is going up to heaven all over the land from rich and poor alike. to fight the habit as a man will fight the demon of alchohol. 
I felt what I needed was action and a change of life and it was partly this that determined my breaking away from home. 
I suppose it accounts largely for my slowness and stupidity in some things and my liability to say that four times eight are twelve - my brain has been drugged. 
It seems a good while ago now that I was wrestling with this and I do not think it likely to recurr, unless in case of ilness or long and solitary inaction. 
Well, I am glad that reality can seem real again. 
I wish some times you were here to speak German with Mr. Mark and see this family which is more like my home in many ways than I supposed anything could be.

Transcription Notes:
seems like a few words were misspelled by the writer