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and not to care for anyone I wish you would write to your father Grace I think he and you will feel better for your doing it try and make him understand why it would have been impossible for you to live your life as he wanted you to make him all that you love him not his idea of how to live a life more than you could ever that and what he think it reward will be Shall I send you his two letters and your grandmothers or shall I keep them for you? Our trip up to the overlook was a pleasant one we camped about one mile north of the hotel it was a beautiful night some clouds in the sky that seemed to pass not very far over head the valley bathed in a mist with lights showing thru was as a soothing dream All evening I thot [[thought]] and hoped that when you are here we can take a trip up the mountains together I long for you very often especially when I think that soon we may be nearly always together for the most of our lives a thot [[thought]] like that I know frightens you, you proably [[probably]] would like me to love you more than anyone else yet I think you would like to live with your other friends very often. Andrew