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I admit you [[strikethrough]] may [[/strikethrough]] have cause to to worry, feeling as you do about some things, since my love of life & liberty has ever yet been stronger than my strongest affection for an individual. 

Was always like a horse that will bolt, to his own and others disaster if held in [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] but I think I have still to prove myself untrustworthy when given a free rain. 

My father told me truly, I suppose, that I "could not brook restraint." To be handcuffed would not gall me so much as to feel that one would bind my mind & feelings [[strikethrough]] were bound [[/strikethrough]] in any way. But in [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] times of the strongest disaffection, my almost fanatical spirit of loyalty never wholly deserted me and I believe it never will. I hope I shall never