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Edward Clark

Career Summary

1947-1951 Studied painting and Art History at the Art Institute of Chicago.

1952-1954 Studied painting at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere in Paris for a year. Began to live as a working artist exploring light and movement in painting. Exhibited in group shows including Salon des Realites Nouvelles.

1955 First one-artist show at Gallery Creyze, Paris.

1956 Returned to New York. Began some of the first experiments in shaped paintings. Became a charter member of the 10th Street Brata Group.

1958-65 Exhibited at the Brata Gallery, New York, a one-artist show. Continued to work with shaped canvas and poured paint. Exhibited in galleries around the United States and The Brata Group show at the Modern Museum, Tokyo, Japan.

1966 Returned to Paris. Began to experiment with the ellipse. I believe that the ellipse can best express movement extended beyond the limits of the canvas. Worked and exhibited for the next 3 years in Paris and travelled extensively in Europe and Africa.

1969 Returned to New York.

1971 Exhibited at Donald Judd's Loft - one artist show.

1972 Awarded the National Endowment for the Arts - $7,500

1973 Exhibited at the Whitney Museum "Biennial", New York.

1974 Faculty member, Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture.

1975 Received C.A.P.S. award -$5,000. Used the grant to work and travel in the Yucatan section of Mexico.

1976 Began a series of work which explored the luminicity of color and movement beyond the ellipse.

1980 Exhibited 30 year retrospective at The Studio Museum in Harlem.

1981 Received Adolph Gottlieb Grant - $10,000

1982 Awarded National Endowment for the Arts - $25,000. Began a series of work using dry pigment on canvas which continues to explore color, light and movement. 

1983-1984 Exhibited at Randall Gallery, New York, one-artist show.