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Page Seven


Andrews, Benny, "Ed Clark Still Sweeps Them Off Their Feet", Encore Magazine, December 4, 1978, pg. 32-33.
Kingsley, April. "Black Artists: Up Against the Wall", The Village Voice, September 11, 1978.
"Artist Present Pastel to L.S.U.", Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, July 16, 1978, pg. 9-G.
Goode-Bryant, Linda and Philips, Marcy, Contextures: Abstraction, American Art 1945-1978, Exhibition Catalogue, February 1978.
Bard, Joellen, Tenth Street Days: The Co-ops of the 50's.  Exhibition Catalogue, December 1977.
Weathers, Diane, The Fine Art of Collection", Black Enterprise, December 1975.
Robins, Corine, "Edward Clark", Arts, October 1975.
"Edward Clark at South Houston", Art in America, May 1974.
"New Acquisitions, Gifts, and Loans: Selections from the Collection". The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Exhibition Catalogue, Ridgefield, CT, 1973.
Robins, Corine, "Edward Clark: Push-Broom and Canvas", Art International, October 1973.
"Edward Clark, 141 Prince Street Gallery", Artforum, December 1972.
Campbell, Lawrence, "Edward Clark, 141 Prince Street Gallery, Art News, November 1972.
Bowling, Frank, "Outside the Galleries", Arts, November 1970.
Lewis, James E., Afro-American Artists Abroad, Exhibition Catalogue, University Art Museum, University of Texas, Austin, March 1970.
Pistulesi, Anne, "Trois Noirs Americains: Le Centre Culturel Americain, Bingo Magazine, July 1969.
"Americains, Peintres: Expositions", Jeune Afrique, Paris, no. 431, April 1969.
Schneider Pierre, "Trois Americains Peintres", L'Express, Paris, March 3-9, 1969, pg. 82.
Clark, Edward, "Un Musee pour Harlem", Chroniques de l'Art Vivant, Gallery Meight Publication, Paris, November 1968.
Jones, LeRoi/Amiri Baraka, Home: Essays, "Cuba Libre", William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1966.
"U.S.A. Painter Scores in Paris", 2nd at Creuze Gallery, 1966.