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The Studio Museum in Harlem

Charles E. Inniss

Major E. Thomas, Jr.
First Vice Chairman

Arthur J. Humphrey, Jr.

Marie Dutton Brown

J. Max Bond, Jr.
Janet Carter
Evelyn Cunningham
Gordon J. Davis
Melvin Edwards
Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Bertina Carter Hunter
Moonyene S. Jackson, Esq.
George L. Knox
Nancy L. Lane
Michael L. Lomax
Henry W. McGee, III
Joel Motley
Les Payne
Corine Pettey
William Pickens, III
Bobby Short
Charles A. Shorter, Jr.
Ute Stebich
Joyce A. Wein
Michael R. Winston, Esq.

Hon. Schuyler G. Chapin
Commissioner of Cultural affairs

Kinshasa Holman Conwill

April 15, 1996

Ms. Shirley Robinson
8732 Dante Avenue
Chicago, IL 60619

Dear Shirley:

Thank you so much for being a lender to Explorations in the City of Light: African-America Artists in Paris, 1945-1965. The response to the exhibition from both the press and the general public has been enthusiastic and extremely positive.

Enclosed is a recent review from the New York Times.You might also want to read the article "When France was home to African-American artists" which appeared in the March 1996 issue of Smithsonian Magazine. We are now in the process of finalizing the tour dates of the exhibition and have enclosed a tentative schedule for your information.

Again, thank you for participating in the exciting project.
Valerie J. Mercer
Valerie J. Mercer
Curator of Collections

144 West 12th St, New York, NY 10027 . 212 864-4500 . Fax # 666-5753