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of this all, though, we first covered the whole triwall (flat) surface with plain cotton duck, glued it down, then trimmed the edges & sliced the interior joints, and applied the dwg lines. So we ended up with the same surface to work on that we had before, except that it was now rigid, again better for glueing & cutting. On & on it goes, but it does show the developmental problems in 1-13 being so difficult & illusive that consistency & accountability were hard to maintain. After about a year & a half, when the tilted plane idea became clear, and the mechanical problems of handling large collage surfaces were being dealt with better, it was easier to look back at the dwgs, and say ok, here's the way to go at the them- 1,2,3- flat, low parallel surface plane relief, & finally, high tilted plane relief-I, II, III.

After I just had my first real knockdown, drag-out fight with Rachel, in which she said, "I never want to see you ever again." my shrink trotted out, what must be one of the classic medical school 

Transcription Notes:
The left margin note was inserted where it was indicated in the text