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[[strikethrough]] Dearest [/strikethrough]] 1964

Mr. Jasper Johns
Yoshiaki Tono
147-6 Chome
Aoyama Minamiché 
Minato-ku, Tokyo

Dearest Jap,

I wonder whether you ever received my letter of April 24. The fact that you did not send me plan andeelevation of the Minami leads me to believe that perhaps you did not. I hope you got my cable and that you had no trouble getting the Travelers checks at the Chase Bank.

Sad news concerning the Jag. Ellin decided not to take it, so it is back at the Elite, I will put an ad in the New York Times and also ask Ivan to try and do something about it.

I unfortunately cannot find the last letter you wrote me, and I don't remember exactly what you said about a show of yours in Tokyo. Was it supposed to be a comprehensive one like the Jewish Museum? Walter Hopps is planning his show from November to December 15th, immediately upon the heels of the end of the Biennale, October 15th. The various lenders would thus get their paintings back before Christmas and therefore I do not see too much trouble in prolonging the loans. I hate to think about the reaction of the Sculls, Tremaines etc... if we asked them to lend most of their paintings again.

I still hope that you will be back before I leave on the 9th of June, or failing that, that you will join us in Venice around the 15th. Now that you are used to flying it will be perhaps less difficult for you to make the decision. Please write soon and let me know about yours plans.

Love from Toiny, J.C. and once again many happy returns (including the one from Japan).