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any thing of Hannah Smith she is away now with Robert - She devotes her self to his amusement now - I am afraid he is very unwell—— I must not stop to write thee another word dear——  Kiss for all the dear pets - thank dear Alice for the nice long letter—  I should write to Willie tonight if it were not so late - tell him Cheechy will write soon—   I hope you will have Mary there with you this winter  

With love for thy husband and thy self - I remain, always, thy faithful,

Wednesday morning - Mr. Taylor has just been in to say that a letter from Mr Southey - announced that he had seen the owners of that vessle - now my furniture is in Boston - having been to Phila and returned- the Cpt could not find the house having misread the address. It is now on its way here again- tell Lizzie please- and also that I have received her letter this morning containing the photograph directory and so forth-

He always goes for her every after
now - (she is spending the winter with Hannah's mother) to take her some where - some times to Fairmont Park - 2 or 3 miles out of the city - and always feels the entire care of Hallie, because she is a girl, if it rains he takes her to school under his umbrella - and goes for her again to go home - But I must not talk so much at length - or I shall not do a stitch of work this evening - and my dress will never be done - the evenings are not half long enough for all I have to do — I was wanting so much to ask you some questions about making the children Christmas presents I can not afford to make any thing that costs much - and yet I want to give them a great deal of pleasure  - I