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Public Collections.

Addison Gallery, Phillips Academy Andover, Mass
Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick,
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.
Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, Calif.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (graphic)
Museum of Art Gallery, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
Museum of Modern, New York.
National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian
[[strikethrough]] Insti [[/strikethrough]] Institution, Washington D.C.
Oakland Museum of Art, Oakland, Calif.
[[strikethrough]] Sat [[/strikethrough]] Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, Calif.
University Art Museum of Calif at Berkely
University Art Museum of New Mexico, Albuquerque N.M.
Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford, Conn.