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1744 Columbia Rd., N.W., Washington 9, D.C.Phone: DUpont 7-1047

March 24, 1958

Mlle. Marisol,

I would like to meet with you next time I am in New York. Can you let me know where I can best reach you, both by mail and telephone?

I am including catalogs of some of our recent exhibitions. Perhaps you know we are the first gallery in the United States to import the works of the Basque sculptor Oteiza, first prize at the 1957 Sao Paulo biennial. One of his pieces will join a collection of the works we handle, to go on exhibition for a month at the Baltimore  Museum.

Until New York, then, and awaiting your word, I remain

Sincerely yours,
Tana Gres
Tana Gres