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6 November 1958

Dear Marisol,

I should have written you a long time ago. Please forgive me if I didn't, but after my returning from Europe I was very disorganized to begin with, and after that, terribly busy.

I have had two shows so far: Savelli, and the present one in which you figure prominently with your last relief. I called it 'The Spectators' It is a very good piece, and everybody likes it very much. Those people from Chicago who saw it in your apartment before you left came to have a look at it recently, but did not buy it. They don't seem to be able to make up their minds about anything. Not so long ago I sent them a painting, to Chicago, and they returned it after a while.

Ilse doesn't work any longer at the gallery. She needed more money and has now a very well paid job at the World House. Friedel was just here. He is fine, and does very good painting. Ileana wasn't so well, and had to spend a few days in the hospital for a checkup, but she is all right now. Bob and Jasper have been doing very interesting work, too, and they are as nice as usual. There isn't really much going on, but perhaps I feel that way because I do not go down to the Village very often.

I am so sorry that you don't feel happy in Rome. I liked it when I was there, but of course I stayed only a few days. Did you meet Plinio (Tartaruga)? I spoke to him about you, and I'm sure he would give you a show if you could settle down to do some wok. I'm glad the Dorazios were so helpful, and I do hope they will succeed in finding you a good apartment.

We all miss you very much here, and send you our love.

P. S. Please write again soon.