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28 February 1959

Dear Marisol,

I'll answer your letter very briely. It was a very lovely letter, and I'm so glad that you seem to feel so much better, and working hard. Friedel told me that he got a letter from you a few days ago. He also feels that you sound much better adjusted. Your observations on Italian painters are very acute, and what you say corresponds exactly to my experience in Italy last summer.

Somebody or other told me that you want to buy a car and that you comlaimed that you did not have enoigh money to do it. Here's a check which I hope will enable you to get yourself, if not an Alfa Romeo, at least a little Fiat. This check if for the 'Spectators" which I sold for $600.00 to those people from Chicago; the large relieft that was at the Pittsburgh International ($750.00); and, you'll never believe it, little 'George' ($270.00). 

I have loads of things to tell you about myself and the gallery, but I'll probably never get to it till I see you in Rome about the end of the June. There's really too much of it- it would take me hours.

Ileana sends you her love and so do I.

P.S. I'll send you the Carnegie catalogue seperaetely.