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Philadelphia New York Chicago Detroit Boston San Francisco Hollywood Honolulu

West Washington Square, Philadelphia 6
WAlnut 5-0100

Mr. Leo Castelli 
Castelli Gallery 
4 East 77th Street 
New York City 

Dear Mr. Castelli: 

It was a pleasure seeing you last week in your wonderful gallery. And, I think quite fortunate that Mrs. Castelli will be seeing Marison in Italy.

I simply wish to write a confirming note on our conversation to restate the price as $750. Of which $200 will be paid on receipt of her sculpture. The remainder after it has been presented and okayed by the client. 

The thought is that we ask her to work in clay and not metal for this quotation of Jefferson's. I believe I mentioned that to you. 

We will wait her reactions to this particular subject, and then discuss the details at greater length. 

Thank you again.

Sincerely yours,
Walter Reinsel
Walter Reinsel

November 19, 1959

P.S. The ad number is GI-49-17-60