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24 March 1960

Mr. Walter Reinsel
The N. W. Ayer Co
West Washington Square
Philadelphia 6, Pa.

Dear Mr. Reinsel:

I just received a letter from Marisol, and a photograph, which I am enclosing, of a recent bronze plaque about 3 ft X 1½ ft. in size. If you find this to your liking, it is at your disposal at the conditions stated in your letter. Marisol is, however, ready to do something else if you feel that this piece is not appropriate.

I am also sending you another photograph of a bronze piece, freestanding but flat, size- 18½" high, 14" wide, 4" deep, which is available right here at my gallery. It was made late in 1959 while Marisol was still in Rome.

Best regards,
Leo Castelli