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Philadelphia - New York - Chicago - Detroit
Boston - San Fransisco - Hollywood - Honolulu
West Washington Square, Philidelphia 6
W Alnut 5-0100
Mr. Leo Castelli
4 East 77 Street
New York 21, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Castelli:

    I appreciate your sending me the photographs of the two pieces by Marisol.  The one example still in Europe is our preference for two reasons.  It does seem more appropriate to the quote, and we assume was done with the Jefferson statement in mind.  It is against Container's policy to select an already existing piece however appropriate.

We have decided to show this one to the client and first gain their reactions before offering other suggestions.  Should this not seem to be sufficiently understandable in relation to the quotation we would then ask you to contact Marisol to give us another interpretation.

Cordially yours,
Walter Reinsel [[signature image]]
Walter Reinsel

March 30, 1960

P.S. The client will not be able to see our presentation until the end of April, so a bit of patience is in order. We would appreciate having her biography if you have a carbon available.