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Philadelphia • New York • Chicago • Detroit
Boston • San Francisco • Honolulu

West Washington Square, Philadelphia 6
WAlnut 5-0100

Mr. Leo Castelli
4 East 77 Street
New York 21, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Castelli:

I am pleased to be able to tell you that the client's art directors reacted very favorably to Morisol's work. The one they liked very much is marked (*) and is now in Europe.

We would like to ask you to have this sent to your gallery where I might see it and arrange for color photograph for use with the Jefferson quote. It will then be resubmitted to the client for final approval. 

There is one element not too clear to us. The photograph looks very clay-like; however, your caption needs bronze. The client assumed that it was a modeled and uncast sketch and asked to have it "finished"! Should it be in the clay state it would be well to ask Marisol to develop it further. If, as I personally realized or assumed, it is cast -- all we can do is to ask to present it as is hoping for the best.

To summarize, it does seem rather unfinished or unrefined. If possible, the work should be carried a bit further.

We would appreciate your cooperation in bringing the work to this country as soon as you possibly can.

Thanking you for your work in this connection.  And please get in touch with me as soon as you can on the developments.

Cordially yours,
Walter Reinsel
Walter Reinsel
Art Director

[[note]] Wrote Marisol Tue [[/note]]

May 10, 1960

P.S. Returning both black and white photos herewith. The one chosen is the horizontal one marked on the back.

Transcription Notes:
. [[signature]] removed per SI instructions