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MARISOL Marisol (Escobar) was born in Paris in 1930 of Venezuelan parentage, she studied at the Art Student's League, at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris and with Hans Hofmann. One Man shows: Leo Castelli Gallery, 1958; Stable Gallery, 1962 and 1964. Major group exhibitions; New York Artists' Annuals, Stable Gallery; "The Art of Assemblage", Museum of Modern Art; "American Paintings and Sculpture", The University of Illinois; "New Acquisitions", the Museum of Modern Art; Whitney Museum of American Art Annuals of Sculpture; "66th American Annual", The Art Institute of Chicago; "Americans 1963", The Museum of Modern Art; "Painting and Sculpture of a Decade", Tate Gallery, London; "New Realism", Municipal Museum, The Hague. Marisol has been living in New York since 1950.