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Marisol Marisol (Escobar) was born in Paris in 1930 of Venezuelan parentage. She has lived in New York since 1950. Study The Hans Hofmann School The Art Students' League Ecole des Beaux Arts One Man Shows 1958 Leo Castelli Gallery 1962 Stable Gallery 1964 Stable Gallery Selected Group Exhibitions 1958 "Festival of Two Worlds," Spoleto, Italy 1958 "Humor in Art," The Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts 1959 Carnegie International 1959 "Pan American Art," The Art Institute of Chicago 1954-57 New York Artists' Annuals 1961 "The Art of Assemblage," The Museum of Modern Art 1961 "American Painting and Sculpture", The University of Illinois 1962 "New Acquisitions", The Museum of Modern Art 1962 "Wit and Whimsey," The American Federation of Art 1962 "Of Thee I Sing," Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, California 1962 Pace Gallery, Boston, Mass. 1962 Whitney Museum of American Art Annual of Sculpture and Drawings 1963 "Recent Acquisitiona", The Gevirtz-Mnuchin Collection, Brandeis University, Kootz Gallery, New York, and the Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts 1963 "66th American Annual", The Art Institute of Chicago 1963 "Americans 1963", The Museum of Modern Art 1964 "Painting and Sculpture of a Decade", Tate Gallery, London (organized by the Gulbenkian Foundation 1964 "New Realism", Municipal Museum, The Hague (June 15 - August 31, 1964 Museum Collections The Museum of Modern Art Albright-Knox Art Gallery Whitney Museum of American Art Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University