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WALKER ART CENTER 1710 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis 3, Minnesota FEderal 6-0301 Marlin L. Friedman, Director 20 February 1963 Mrs. Eleanor Ward Stable Gallery 33 East 74th Street New York 21, New York Dear Mrs. Ward: Martin Friedman has asked me to handle the details of Marisol's inclusion among the sculptors to be represented at the Sao Paulo Bienal. So far, we have selected five of her pieces and I wonder if you could help us to obtain them: "Mona Lisa," "The Generals," "The Blacks," "The Bathers," and the cabinets with heads inside which you showed in your last exhibit. In order to draw up a preliminary budget we would need the dimensions, sizes, locations and insurance valuations of these works, in as far as they will be available. we would also appreciate receiving three photographs of each work to be included in the show -- please bill us for any costs involved. In the event that some works are not available and we must make second choices, I will be in New York from February 26 through March 2. I definitely plan to see you and perhaps you could arrange for me to visit Marisol in her studio. I look forward to meeting you. Sincerely yours, Jan van der Marck Jan van der Marck Curator jvdm:dag