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Philadelphia   New York   Chicago   Detroit   Boston   San Francisco   Hollywood   Honolulu

West Washington Square, Philadelphia 6
Telephone Area Code 215, WAlnut 5-0100

Miss Eleanor Ward, Director
Stable Gallery
33 East 74 Street
New York 21, New York

Re:  Container Corporation Advertisement GI-49-3-1964-PP
Dear Miss Ward:

I am happy to say that our client has authorized the purchase of the Marisol sculpture.

According to your correspondence with Mr. Coiner, the price was to be $900. Would you please see that the sculpture is sent to us here in Philadelphia as soon as conveniently possible.

We are delighted that things have worked out. The sculpture should be the basis of one of our outstanding Container Corporation pages.

We have included a purchase order so that you can bill us immediately.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

Edward W Warwick
Edward W. Warwick
Associate Art Director


December 2, 1963