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Please keep this bill. This is your only receipt. APPLIANCE [[image]] DEALER Edward's Housewares, Inc. Everything For Kitchen & Home 952 MADISON AVENUE Corner 75th Street TRafalgar 9-6161 New York 21, N.Y. Customer's Order No. Date 2/27 196 M STABLE GALLY Address SOLD BY CASH C.O.D. CHARGE 🗸 ON ACCT. MDSE. RETD. PAID OUT [[4 column table]] | QUAN. | DESCRIPTION | PRICE | AMOUNT | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 2 | Batteries | 2.75 | 5.50 | | | | | .23 | | | | | 5.73 | 2 BATTERIES for MARISOL HEADLAMPS ALL claims and returns goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. Rec'd by G 09394