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March 10, 1964 Mrs. Herbert Dickerman The Washington Gallery of Modern Art 1503 Twenty-first Street, N. W. Washington 6, D. C. Dear Mrs. Dikerman Our "Double Date" by Marisol is currently in the Marisol show at the Stable Gallery in New York. Rather than crate and ship it separately, can you arrange with Santini to have them pick it up Monday, March 23, at the Stable Gallery, 33 E. 74th Street. Since this is the day they will pick up from our New York apartment, the Marisol could be collected on Friday, the 20th, in necessary. I was so alarmed to learn from Mrs. Breeskin's letter that the men from Santini found our Naum Gabo cracked. I cannot imagine how this could have happened. If Santini does not want to take the responsibility of shipping it, I will carry it personally to Washington on the plane, unless it is too badly damaged. We have notified our insurance company of the damage. Sincerely, Adele Maremount AM: sh cc: Stable Gallery