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seem to find it. I want to get down to Greece before we go home. from the prices of marble here, (the few that are real Greek) they were wonders in the mear technical working of marble aside from the beauty of conception.

I wish you were coming over this winter there are many bits about Rome I would like to show you. If it were not for being an American and that I were getting poorer and poorer every day, I would be tempted to really hunt out all the fine old things in Italy and just do sculpture internally for a year or two.

I suppose Mr. Babitt told you of our little home here. I think I wrote of his visit with his daughter and did I write of our baby girl? I have forgotten just when I did write last, but if a long time forgive, if a short time forgive this --
Chester Beach

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[\stamp]]