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CHESTER BEACH, N.A., Sculptor. 

Born San Francisco, California, 1881. 
1903-1906 studied Sculpture in Paris. 
Since 1907 has had a studio in New York; also worked several years in Rome, Italy. 

Awards: Julian Academy Gold Medal, 1905. 
Barnett Prize for Sculpture, National Academy of Design, 1907. 
Medal for Sculpture, Panama-Pacific Exhibition, 1915. 
First Prize , for the finest work of Art, National Arts Exhibition, 1923. 
Gold Medal for Sculpture, Architectual League Exhibition, 1924. 
Potter. Palmer Gold Medal for Sculpture, Chicago, 1925. 
National Arts Club, Medal and Prize, 1926. 
National Arts Club Medal, 1932
Saltus Medal for distinguished medallic work, Numismetie Society, 1946. 

President, National Sculpture Society, 1927-1928. 
Past Vice-president of the Institute, American Academy of Arts & Letters. 
Academician, National Academy of Design. 
Member: American Numismatic Society, 
Architecturual League 
National Arts Club 

His work includes a wide range in sculpture: architectural groups; decorative work; fountain and garden groups; portraits; medals; and statuettes in bronze and ivory. Many of his personally carved marbles are in museums and private homes. Among his works are: the marble "Fountain of the Waters" and two bronze figures "Sun" and "Earth", also the twelve marble Signs of the Zodiac; on the terrace of the Fine Arts Garden, Cleveland, Ohio (1930) 
The three large groups, Primitive, Medieval and Modern Progress, Main Tower, Court of Abundance, Panama-Pacific Exhibition. 
"Greek Games", Barnard College Gymnasium, New York. 
"Beyond", California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco. 
"Sacred Fire", American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York. 
"Unveiling of Dawn", marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 
"Ideals", Brooklyn Museum of Art. 
"Dam", Cleveland Museum of Art. 
"Eleanor", Chicago Art Institute. 
Bronze figure "Service" with marble relief figures "Messages of Peace and War" American Telephone & Telegraph Building, New York. 
"Riders of the Elements" (fountain), New York World's Fair, 1939. 

Some of his portraits: 
Walt Whitman; Peter Cooper; Asa Gray; S.F.B.Morse; Eli Whitney; Mall of Fame, New York. 
Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn; American Museum of Natural History, New York. 
Augustus Julliard; Julliard Miusical Foundation, New York. 
William Henry Harrison, Ninth U. S. President; Virgina State Capitol, Richmond. 
Hon.George Mason; Virginia Sate Capitol, Richmond. 
Senator Underwood; U. S. State Capitol, Washington, D. C. 
George W. Davidson, Chairman of the Board, Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company
Charles A. Coffin; General Electric Works, Schenectady, N. Y. (Medal) 
Eugene B. Clark, Late President, Clark Equipment Company. (Medal) 

U. S. Coins: 
Monroe-Adams Half-dollar
Lexington-Concord Half-dollar
Hawaiian Half-dollar 
City of Hudson Half-dollar