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my intention to write you concerning the model of 
es" statue, but I have hesitated because of a conscious lack of 
which to express my feeling about it. I can only say that the 
s impression made upon my mind when I had the privilege of looking
t with you has deepened very much, and I feel convinced that you have 
produced an entirely original work but one that expresses, in 
le degree, the divine power and authority exercised through 
ency. I find it entirely distinctive from Michael Angelo's
of the same subject, and I must congratulate you upon the free- 
dition and the presentation of an independent strength that
ur work.

[[since--?]] and expectation that the completed statue will 
mong the enduring things of this great city,-a witness
tuality existing midst the confusion of our common life. 

Very truly yours,
Robert C Ogden

[[stamp]] FEB13 1PM GG [[/stamp]]


G.G. Barnard Esq.
379 Weller Ave.
New York City

Feb. 16. 99.

Dear Sir

Many thanks for your photoes of "Pan" & "The Hewer" and the invitation that accompanies them. It would be a very interesting visit to make but my time in this country is very limited and my present engagements absolutely ban me from going about.

Vry Sincerely Yours

Rudyard Kipling

Transcription Notes:
left side is torn so many words are missing couldn't get 2 words in the handwritten part from Rudyard Kipling