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With the bankruptcy of our political systems around the world, it looks like the only person who can dictate the way of the future  is Sri Aurobindo, with the Mother. He has been a true Karma Yogin, an activist father of Indian independence with the day of Indian independence on his birthday.

His writings has been prodigious, as he never left his quarters from the time he retired in the twenties until his death in 1950. He concentrated completely on the explanation of his yoga, which is a development of the layers of consciousness above the mental (which he considered one of the lowest, next to the physical). During this time he wrote his great epic poem, perhaps the finest and the most perceptive of any that have been written. There were evenings in India, when I walked down the street and saw a small light in his window deep into the night.

His explanations, by stages, of all facets of human activity was for what he called his transformation, including the passover from man to a higher man, similar to the transition from ape to the present man. It is a prodigious thought and will work, as there is no other way.

This is a preliminary draft, and I would like to pursue it further. 

