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I would like to read more thoroughly and ponder on "Earth's Future" before I return it. It was a thrilling experience. You mentioned that you would outline several books that you feel are good for starters in the Matagiri catalogue but I searched diligently and found nothing underlined, or checked, but thats allright because "Life Divine", although deep in many areas, is exciting and feeds. 

I am especially interested in those 7 years of much contemplation. Have you written about this in your book "Soul of a Tree?" I am' considering another spiritual retreat as I haven't had one in five years and I used to make two retreats a year for a least a week each time. 

How you reconcile Catholicism with the teachings of Sri Aurobindo still puzzles me somewhat. However, the church is not as narrow' in its doctrine and dogma as it once was. 

Please pardon errors. May God's blessings continue to permeate you for perfect health that you may serve Him always.

Cecile BronislaƩa Grzeck Coan

P.S. Cannot understand whether your name rewritten under your signature is Japanese or Arabic-?

ans July 16 1982