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[[strikethrough]] CHARLESTON BRANCH
National Freedmen's Savings and Trust Company,
No. 74 BROAD Street
Charleston [[/strikethrough]] Columbia, S.C., Jan 7th 1870

To Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard

Dear General
I need not report in detail the School in Columbia as you were an eyewitness to their condition.


The absence of advanced and older pupils, is said to be from the fact that young col'd men here, who were boys during the war, grew up especially vicious & are now therefore comparatively indifferent to an education.  From the younger class we are undoubtedly to expect the largest results in all parts of the [[strikethrough]] State [[/strikethrough]] South, as well as in this city. 

These colored schools are the only 

Transcription Notes:
letterhead confirmed from page 26 removed [[underlined]]; see current directions