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A # 7 (R.,F., & A.L. Vol. 16,) 1870

,18 .

WRAPPER (1 Enclosures.)
Received Bureau R., F., & A.L., Jany 14th 1870

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, Jany 15th 1870.

Respectfully referred to Bt. Lt. Col. J.M. Brown
Chief Quartermaster at Bureau R.F. & A.L. for remarks.

These papers to be returned.
By order of.
Bt. Maj Genl Howard
Henry M Whittelsey 
A.A.A. Genl. 


EB. 308 Vol. 2.1869-70 CQM
War Dept. BRFAL
Office Chf Qrmaster 
Washington Jany 17, 1870

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig. Genl Henry M Whittelsey Actg Asst Adjt Genl, remarking that in compliance with endorsement from the Asst. Genls' Office of 12th inst, on communication of Col Henry Page, dated Little Rock, Ark, Dec. 31, 1869, a deed of transfer of the building at Little Rock, within referred to, was made out and forwarded on 13th inst to Mr Joseph Dickinson, Secy. Ind. Yearly Meeting of Friends, for signature of the trustees of his organization. When this deed is received back further action thereon can be suspended, or such other disposition made thereof as may be ordered by the Commissioner 

As regards the other 

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