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by the Trustees:

Section 3. Be it further enacted: That the Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall fill all vacancies that occur the Board of Trustees, and the said Conference shall annually appoint any number of visitors from its own Body, not exceeding seven, who shall attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall constitute a joint Board in the appointments and removals of all officers of the said University:

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted that the Board of Trustees together with the visiting Committee of the Conference, shall have full power to appoint in each manner as they may deem expedient, a president of the University, together with such professors and instructors as may at any time be necessary to form an efficient faculty for the instruction of Students, in the Arts and Sciences in the learned professions and in all the branches of liberal and professional education, as taught in the best colleges in our Country:

Sec. 5 - Be it further enacted that the University aforesaid shall be styled the Shaw University, and shall be located near Holly Springs, Mississippi. - 

Section: - 6th  Be it further enacted that the Trustees shall meet annually and they may also hold special meetings, at the request of the Faculty or give Trustees and in case of special meetings advice shall be given to each member of the Board at least ten days previous to the time of said meeting, and eleven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business: And whenever any Trustee shall absent himself from three successive regular meetings of