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Transcription: [00:08:00]
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
Were you always, were you always a painter or like when do you really start that art form?

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
Ah, well I, from the time I was a child, I loved to draw and ah we I had three uncles that were all artists and they were all very accomplished artists in Seattle, they were sort of my role models when I grew up, but I wanted to be a commercial artist and make a lot of money.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
and uh, I found out very quickly that um I didn't work well with clients.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
and came to the realization that it's almost the exact opposite of being a fine artist because when you're a commercial artist you have to do what the client likes you know

and you have to do what more people like, what the mass public likes, when you are a fine artist it becomes very egocentric, so it's really the opposite.

So um I ended up changing after 7 years, after graduation, I ended up going back to school and studying painting.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
And ah been doing that ever since. I taught painting and drawing and performance art before while I was at the University of Kansas and performance art was really my favorite part of that whole experience.

I taught it for 20 years and I was doing it myself too.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
I wasn't acting, but I was writing, directing and producing, and uh did these performances all over the country

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
And why was that your favorite over painting?

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
Because it- I was able to draw from a lot of the things my grandmother and grandfather left, and my grandmother left 56 years worth of dairies

over her entire experience living in America um and she also, you know, being the immigrant, the pioneer,

had a real sense of history and so she ah made a lot of ah she wrote a lot of articles about her experience in this country

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
and during the war, in camp, wrote a lot of haiku and poems and wrote songs

um that really defined the popular notion that the Japanese-American, especially Issei

were real quiet, the first generation were real quiet and just kind of accepted it

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
Um because they were irate

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
and these poems showed it and they were written to folk songs, Japanese folks songs so they would recite these poems of anger

but singing songs that they knew from Japan, so anyway, I had all this information that, you know, she had left behind, and photographs, and everything else, and uh you can't paint about those things

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
and so I decided to write some you know small performance pieces and I've always been interested in watching it happen, not being in it myself,

(cough) and directing, and um so one thing led to another, and before you knew it, I was doing it ah, 50% of my time was spent traveling around you know, putting these on, and they are all about the, the Asian-American experience

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
We did one here, in fact, at the, I think it was the American Art Museum, I can't remember, but it was all about the incarceration period

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
and about an hour long program, and that's the show that we took around through about 15 different locations

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
That's nice

{SPEAKER name="Roger Shimomura"}
around the country, but that was really became my first love especially when I started teaching it, and it eventually turned into a major area of study and you could actually get your degree in Performance now at Kansas and ah


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