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State of Maryland }
City of Baltimore } ex.

On this day of January A.D, 1870, before me a Deputy clerk of the Superior Court in & for the city & state of aforesaid personally appeared Dr. William Robertson a resident of No. 19 S. Eutaw St. Baltimore Md. whom I certify to be a regular physician, practicing & in good standing, who being duly sworn deposes & says that his former affidavit as to treatment & attendance upon one Joseph W Barrett (Colored) in "Aug. Sept & Oct. 1865", was an error, - made through ignorance & carelessness & not designedly, & that the same was sworn & subscribed to hurriedly & without reading the contents thereof, And Affiant further says that he in 1865, was not a resident of Baltimore but lived in Salisbury Md., but that in & during the month of July 1868, (& not 1865) he affiant professionally attended one Joseph W. Barrett for "Walking Typhoid Fever" that on or about December 9th 1870, Joseph W Barrett called on affiant & stated that he had a claim for bounty &c on file & it was necessary that an affidavit as to medical treatment should be furnished as he affiant had attended [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] him in 1868, his affidavit thereto should be furnished - Affiant there upon went with said Barrett to J. Scott Notary Public in Baltimore Md. & swore to a paper the purport of which he believed was that he had attended one J. W. Barrett Cold for Typhoid Feber in July 1868, & he affiant being professionally engaged & in a great hurry did not read said paper but merely signed & swore to the same and immediately left & Affiant further says that he never received any compensation therefor, nor was he in collusion with said Barrett, but through carelessness said error occurred & that he never at any other time than during said month of July 1868, attended said J. W.