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Donald Judd is exhausted by his art, yet the sheer interia [[inertia]] of being in a state of perpetual fatigue gives him and odd kind of energy to produce more art. Perpetual fatigue is the reverse of perpetual motion. [[strikethrough]] It is caused by mental and physical strain [[/strikethrough]]. Motion or action dissipate this interial [[internal]] art producing energy. "work" is a moral myth that has nothing to do with the real forces of energy and interia [[inertia]]. Without mental and physical strain, everything would [[strikethrough]] reduce to a [[/strikethrough]] be a chaos of action. At this point, it would be worth your while to consider "action painting." Judd, the "tired artist" can accomplish [[strikethrough]] more art after he is death than [[/strikethrough]] more art of a high quality than the best "action artist."