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The Academical Department of Leland University will open for the reception of pupils on Wednesday, January 10, 1871.

The course of instruction will be under the direction of Rev. Wm. Rollinson, who will be assisted in the different departments by Rev. R. R. Whittier, Mrs. A. Whittier, and others.

The Academy will be under the supervision and subject to the general control of the Board of Trustees of Leland University.

The studies are designed to embrace all the branches of a full English course.

The discipline of the school will be kind but firm, and addressed to the intelligence and conscience rather than to the fears of the pupils. 

The tuition will be free until otherwise ordered by the Trustees.

The hours for instruction will be from 9, A. M. to 2 1=2, P. M., with a recess of from 12 M. to 12 1=2. There will be an evening class for adults, embracing Biblical and other studies.

By order of the Board:

Wm. Rollinson,

New Orleans, Dec. 15, 1870