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Course of Study.
First Department.

Class A.
Reading, ........ Wilson's First.
Writing, ........
Spelling, ........ Willson's Primary.
Arithmetic, ........ Prog. Tab. Book.
Object Lessons, .......

Class B.
Reading, ........ Second Reader
Writing, ........ Spencerian System No. 2. 
Arithmetic, ........ Robinson's Prog. Prim. 
Geography, ........ Mitchell's First Lessons.
Spelling, ........ Willson's Larger.

Second Department 

Class A.
Orthography, ........
Penmanship, ........ Spencerian System, Nos. 3 and 4.
Practical Arithmetic, ........ Robinson's Rudiments
Geography, ........ Mitchell's.
History, ........ Willson's United States.
Composition, ........ Parker's. 

Class B.
Grammer, ........ Pineo's.
Etymology, ........Scholar's Companion.
Arithmetic, ......... Robinson's Prog. 
Geography, ........ Mitchell's.
History. ........ Willson's United States.
Composition, ........ Parker's.

Third Department. 

Class A.
Penmanship, ........Spencerian Business Series. 
Geography, ........ Guyot's Intermediate.
History, ........ Willson's American History. 
Moral Science, ........ Wayland's.
Elements of Geometry, ........ Marks' First Lessons.
Analysis of Language, ........

Class B.
Penmanship, ........ Ornamental.
Geography, ........ Gnyot's
History, ........ American History continued.
Intellectual Philosophy, ........ Wayland's.
Elements of Algebra, ........ Robinson's. 
Geometry, ........ Marks'.
Elocution, ........ Randall's. 
Physiology, ........ Jarbis'.