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Donaldson La.
March 22d 1871

E Whittlesey
A.A.A. General, U.S.A.
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 9th inst. and in reply beg leave to report that I have made the enquiries you desired and with the following result.

1st "The amount of money actually expended by the Trustees of Leland University for buildings and property", is as follows 

For the purchase of four squares of ground with the dwelling house and outbuildings, late the property of Judge Odgen - situated on St Charles St - $25.000.

For this the whole of the purchase money has been paid and the property is free from encumbrance of any kind. Owing to the locating of the new State house in the immediate vicinity of this property the value of the grounds held by the Trustees is very materially increased

They have also expended $4000. dollars in erecting school rooms for the preparatory Department of the University, on Common St in New