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Orleans, the whole of which has been paid

Improvements have been made in the way of repairs of the dwelling house, fencing, and improving of the grounds of the University, which would bring the amount actually expended for buildings and property up to an aggregate of at least thirty thousand dollars

2nd "The condition of Leland University" is as follows. In January last when the building in Common St was ready for occupancy it was fitted up with improved school furniture and opened for the reception of pupils with Rev. W. Rollinson as Principal assisted by Rev. R. Whittier and his wife. Since then two teachers, Rev Mr. Lingard and Mr Morse (formerly Principal of one of the High schools of this city) have been added, making the present [[strikethrough]] force [[/strikethrough]] number of teachers five - four male and one female, the latter having charge of the primary department  The number of pupils is at present one hundred and forty, besides the evening classes for adults.

I enclose a printed circular issued by the New Orleans branch of the Board of Trustees which will furnish some additional information.

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