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Ropm 12 No. 39 Park Row New York March 18th 1871 Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard Washington D.C. My Dear Sir: Enclosed find Waggner's receipt of Feb. 8th 1871 and assignment of same of Feb. 9th 1871 for $887.19. This document explains itself. Dea. H. Chamberlain, founder, and treasurer of Leland University N. Orleans paid this money to Waggner, and wishes you to accept this receipt and assignment as a voucher, and forward to him the $887.19. Will you do so? If not, please apprise me at once how to proceed. Dea. Chamberlain is the man who paid $12,500 in cash, we paying #12,500 more, making a total of twenty five thousand in cash, for the four squares of ground, on which you are to erect the Leland University building, at a cost of twenty five thousand more. I ask as a particular favor that you will read and carefully consider my letter to you under the date of March 7th. Please apprise me at once upon your return to Washington. Urgent calls come to me for the amounts you have pledged; and distrust of a hurtful kind is creeping in. You may count me true to you at all times. But expedition now in meeting payments on part of Bureau will tell healthfully. Yours Most truly - James B. Simmons [[left margin]]We sent you March 18th the contract and specifications for the creation of Leland University. Did you receive it by Express?[[/left margin]] [[right margin]]Please tell me how soon and how fast the $25,000 for N. Orleans will be paid by you.[[/right margin]]