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New Orleans La. February 9th 1871 [[STAMP]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/STAMP]] Know all men by these presents, what I, the within names C.V. Waggner, for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred and eighty seven 19/100 dollars, to me in hand raid by H. Chamberlain, and the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, do assign and transfer to the Trustees of Leland University all my right and interest in the within bill, and my clause, article and thing therein contained, and I hereby constitute E. E. S. Taylor, President of the board of trustees of Leland University my lawful attorney in my name and otherwise, but at the risk and expense of the Leland University and for the use and benefit of the same, to take all legal means which may be necessary and proper for the complete recovery of the assigned claim, with power of substitution. I also guarantee the aforesaid University against any damages which any action by one in law or otherwise may cause to them. Witness my hand and seal this with day of February 1871. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Rice R. Whittier C.V. Waggner L.S