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Memorandum - (Claims Division) [[left side]] [E.} CASE OF Rachel Grasper, widow of Daniel Grasper, decd. Pvt. Co. G. 31st U.S.C.T. Residence; Louisville, Ky Attorney: W. F. Bascom, Agent U.S. Law. Commission Washington D.C. Certificate No. 511.995 Received: Oct. 15 1870 Original Bounty, ......$100.00 Additional Bounty, ....$100.00 Pay of Volunteers, ....$180.59 Value of Certificate,..$380.59 Attorney's fees, $ - Advances, . $ - Notarial fees, $ - Expenses, . . $ - Total Expenses......$ - Balance due Claimant,....$380.59 Sent Chief D.O., Oct 17. 1870 With Dischg. [[stamp]]THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES[[/stamps]] [[right side]] Mon. 17. 1871, a letter from H. N. Carr of Louisville Ky. dated March 12. 1871, requesting payment of this case was referred to Major B.P. Runkle, stating that the record of this Bureau showed vouchers and finds in the case to have been sent to him Nov. 5 1879 __ The records of the Chief Disbursing Officer show vouchers and funds to be still in possession of Major Runkle. William P. Dow, Agent and Chief of Claims Div Mar. 30. 1871.